Using setRotation method in Open Cascade for 3D object rotation
In Open Cascade “setRotation” is a method used to set the rotation of a geometric object, such as a shape or a vertex, in 3D space.
The “setRotation” methods takes a rotation axis and an angle as input parameters. The axis is specified as a vector, and the angle is specified in radians. The method thhen a rotation transformation to the object based on these parameters.
Here is an example of how to use “setRotation” in Open Cascade to rotate a shape:
//Create a Shape
TopoDS_Shape myShape=...;
//Define the rotation axis and angle
gp_Ax1 rotationAxis(gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp_Dir(1,0,0));
Standard_Real rotationAngle=M_PI/4.0;
//Create a rotate transformation
gp_Trsf rotationtransform;
//Apply the rotation transformation to the shape
BRepBuilderAPI_Transform shapeTransform(myShape,rotationTransform);
TopoDS_Shape rotatedShape=shapeTransform.Shape();
In this example, we first create a shape “myShape” using some Open Cascade function or method. We then define a rotation axis “rotationAxis” and angle “rotationAngle”. We create a rotation transformation “rotationTransform” using these parameters, and then apply this transformation to “myShape” using the “BRepBuilderAPI_Transform” class. Finally, we obtain the rotated shape “rotatedShape” using the shape method of the “BRepBuilderAPI_Transform” class.
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